10 key point of prevent substance abuse: 2. Emotion

During adolescence, psychological experiences play a significant role in influencing substance use. Factors like the desire for freedom and uniqueness, emotional turmoil, loneliness, low self-esteem, and the need for emotion regulation can lead teenagers to resort to substance abuse. It is essential to address adolescents’ emotional and social needs to help them make healthy choices […]

10 key point of prevent substance abuse: 1. Imitation

Adolescence is a challenging time marked by crises of identification and disconnection. During this period, teenagers often imitate adults and look for role models while seeking to fit in with their peer groups. Substance abuse, such as smoking, alcohol, and drug use, can emerge as a result of these influences, leading to potential long-term consequences […]

EDUMAP 3rd TPM (Online)

We just had our third TPM for the EDU MAP project, and we’re thrilled to share our progress with you! Our project team has worked hard in developing supportive videos about substance abuse for school teachers and we feel they are an excellent tool that can have a significant impact on the prevention of substance […]

Educational supportive videos for school teachers: Effective Educational Tools for Mitigating Substance Abuse

Innovative teaching/learning methods provide opportunities to experience student and teacher success. Creative and engaging materials increase students’ motivation to learn, their interest in the topic, and their curiosity to explore the topic further.  The #edumap project has some tips on how to use information technology to make prevention materials attractive and engaging for students.  In […]

Educational supportive videos for school teachers: The truth about drugs. Real stories

 Great news! The new result of the  EDU MAP project is out, which includes four educational videos on the prevention of psychoactive substance use.  The videos are aimed at inspiring teachers to take an interest in the topic and promoting the relevance of the issue in school communities.  The first video, “The truth about drugs. […]

EDUMAP First Result has been published!

Where does the tendency towards bad habits come from? What can teachers do to prevent #substance abuse? How can you recognise the causes of substance use in adolescence? How can parents recognise that their child is using substances? Got no answers to these questions? Not sure how to work with students who use psychoactive substances? […]