EduMap Sneak Peek of Chapter 5

Our international #EduMapProject team would like to present the fifth chapter “Short and long-term effects of substance abuse” of the upcoming Handbook for Substance Abuse. Here’s some statistics about European youth Around 47% admit to regularly using alcohol 1 out of 6 European students (around 17%) admit to have used sedatives or sleeping pills 4% […]
EduMap Sneak Peek of Chapter 3

Puberty in general is a very difficult phase in the life of a human being. With it comes changes in body, mind and behaviour. It is also usually during this period that most people have their first contact with alcohol, cigarettes and other substances. What are the Emotional and Physical Signs of Teen Substance […]
EduMap Sneak Peek of Chapter 1

The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other substances is one of the biggest problems of adolescence because adolescence is the period when important physical, emotional, behavioural, and other changes take place, which determine one or another way of lifestyle. Young people, especially teenagers can struggle to control themselves, so they often go through crises. To […]
Chip Treatment in Drug Addiction (Naltrexone implant)

Addiction is a lifelong, chronic brain disease that goes with craving. Substance use disorders have become an increasingly important issue in psychiatry due to the increasing incidence and the problems they cause. Opioid addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to treat, the frequency of which is increasing day by day among substance use […]

What is OTC Drug Abuse? (Over The Counter Drugs) Drugs sold without prescription. There are many different kinds of over the counter drugs that are used to treat a variety of illnesses and symptoms. However, some OTC drugs contain active ingredients that make them more likely to be abused. They are also very easy […]
Short and Long Term Effects of Substance Abuse

We present you our video on the theme of “Short and Long Term Effects of Substance Abuse” below.
Safely Taking, Storing and Disposing of OTC Pain Medication

YOUTUBE Content: The safe use of OTC drugs and the importance of raising awareness Fatal consequences of misuse or careless use of OTC drugs The aim of this video Taking OTC drugs Storing OTC Drugs Disposing of OTC drugs Final recommendations
Handbook’s Seventh Chapter – a sneak peek

Today we are presenting you the 7th chapter of EDU MAP’s reference handbook for substance abuse, dedicated to rehabilitation and addiction treatment options. Is it possible to treat drug addiction? Yes, but it is not easy. People cannot simply stop using drugs because addiction is a chronic disease. Most patients require long-term or repeated care […]
Frequency of alcohol consumption in the EU, 2019

In 2019, three quarters of EU adults have consumed alcohol in the previous 12 months and nearly 9% consumed alcohol daily. Interestingly, the new generations consume alcohol less than older ones. People aged 15 to 24 had the lowest share of those who consumed alcohol the most frequently (i.e., every day). Denmark topped […]
Handbook’s Sixth Chapter – a sneak peek

Chapter VI of EDU MAP’s reference handbook for substance abuse covers medications without a prescription. Unconscious and unnecessary drug use has a high impact on public health and treatment costs. Irrational drug use is common, especially in elderly patients, due to the prevalence of polypharmacy (multiple drug use). Because of the addiction and other side […]